SmarterSlice Marketing

Commercializing Your B2C Health Brand Doesn’t Have To Be This Risky

Most health food-and-supplement brands are frustrated by inconsistent sales, low brand recognition and expensive overhead - and that’s why they rarely last long. This industry is uniquely difficult for new brands thanks to it’s entirely unique pressures, and we at SmarterSlice Marketing are here to help!


For a health-food and supplement businesses to thrive, they can’t simply be an expert in one area or another. Instead, business owners for health brands are expected to be domain-experts in 3 competing area at the exact same time:


The health space is one of precise technical expertise - and that goes further than most admit. You don’t just need a masters knowledge of the fundamental chemistry that goes into your product, but also the pragmatic realities of industrial food production.

Setbacks are constant in this space, and come in all sorts of unpredictable flavors. 

Just one small mistake is more than enough to end a promising brand.


A good product isn’t enough.

If your brand is going to find success in one of the most fiercely competitive industries around, it’s going to have to master the art of sales and sales messaging.

This means understanding not just the optimal positioning for your product, but your optimal positioning informed by the context of your competitor’s positioning and your audience’s unique levels of audience sophistication.


A good product with a hungry audience still isn’t enough.

Successful business owners are also expected to ensure every piece of communication they put out is in compliance to the competing legal standards of the FTC, FDA and others. 

With such regulatory agencies growing increasingly aggressive towards both new and established companies in this space, any brand that doesn’t build comprehensive regulatory compliance into their fundamental approach to all aspects of their business is risking disaster.

Our Approach

Those pressures are unique, and that’s why our approach is too.

The most successful healthy brands must focus on excelling in all three of these areas concurrently, always with the knowledge that ignoring any one of them can lead to a brand’s failure no matter how well the other two were executed.

We call this our 3 Pillar Holistic Approach, and it’s not realistic to expect business owners to master three entirely different areas of expertise if they want success for their health brand. 

That’s why we’re here.

We can offer you precisely that comprehensive mastery  because our consultancy has always relied on the marriage of expertise and experience brought in by our two founders

Unique Solution

Your Experts

  • Kaitlin Cushman

    After receiving her Master’s in Nutrition, Kaitlin translated her passion for the business of healthy living into becoming the Director of Product Development for Healthy Heights, helping them expand from just a handful of employees to a brand sold across the world.

    In both generating and exhaustively documenting the internal processes that would lead them to their success, Kaitlin learned just what health-focused brands need to know to survive the market.

    Inspiring her to share what she’s learned with more brands, Kaitlin broke away and became a consultant, helping a variety of health-focused products with everything from nutrition evaluations, ingredient sourcing, and scaling production with contract manufacturer

  • Kayvan Rezaiezadeh

    Having worked as a digital sales funnel consultant since 2016, Kayvan’s expertise lay in digital marketing strategies that minimize customer acquisition costs while maximizing average customer lifetime value. He’s worked extensively for a range of clients in the health and supplements industry, and came to understand the value of matching specific digital funnel strategies to the bespoke competitive objectives of each specific brand.

    More than most things, Kayvan has come to fiercely believe there are a few fundamental factors critical to the success of any product in this space - and he’s happy to go into detail about just what those are in our Educational Resources.

    And more than anything?

    Kayvan believes in value: providing it, spotlighting it, and marketing it.

A Taste Of What We Do Different

Issue Risk Forecast Reports

Is your strategy or proposed strategy likely to result in costly setbacks down the road? Our Forecasts break down what you likely don’t see coming in all 3 of our Tri-Tip categories, along with a conclusive summary and value-lead recommendations on how you can avoid the issues your competitors won’t.

 Lifecycle Conceptualization

The healthiest brands in this space are the ones focused not just on pushing a product, but on building a comprehensive and sustainable business around their products. Are your internal processes optimized to support your products at every stage of their life cycle? Have you aligned that life-cycle with the likely production concerns that run the risk of shutting those plans down?

Competitive Analysis

Almost every consultancy offers competitive analysis, but our method gives you the edge you need in a crowded marketplace. We do this by breaking down not just your current competitors, but also your ideal competitors - and how you can level up to your ideal competitors by understanding their marketing advantages to you.

Digital Funnel-Focused Sales And Marketing Construction

Healthy brands have a healthy digital sales ecosystem, and our expertise means we know just what yours is going to need. Here more than any other industry, your digital sales funnels are the beating heart of your brand - and that brand’s success relies on a robust back-end system that takes the guesswork and unpredictability out of customer acquisition and retention.

Our Packages

We offer two distinct packages, for brands at different points of their business journey

CRO Audit

  • Identification and remediation of landing page conversion barriers and friction points

  • Full breakdown of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) shortfalls, supplemented by alternative recommendations

  • Pre-purchase email funnel optimization including:

    • Macro pre-purchase strategy 

    • Subject lines

    • Content relevance and engagement

    • Target avatar personalization strategies

  • Sales page audit and optimization recommendations

Price: $1000.00

Strategic Brand Audit & Optimization

Comprehensive audit of business strategies, including:

  • Review of Internal Processes

  • Product line recommendations

  • Competitive Analysis (including competitor breakdowns and ideal competitor breakdowns)

  • Audience Analysis (including target avatars)

  • Legal Compliance Analysis

  • Risk Forecast

  • Customer Retention Strategies

Along with strategic analysis of digital website materials for optimization of:

  • Landing pages

  • Product pages

  • Checkout process

  • Inbound content strategy 

  • Outbound social media advertising strategy 

  • Call-to-action optimization strategy 

Development of personalized email sequences tailored to different stages of the customer journey such as:

  • Pre-purchase sequences to nurture leads and drive conversions

  • Post-purchase sequences to enhance customer satisfaction and encourage repeat purchases

  • Abandoned cart sequences to recover lost sales and minimize revenue leakage

  • Customer retention sequences to foster long-term loyalty and maximize lifetime value

  • Missing-Revenue Funnel Audit

Review and development of internal product development processes:

  • Audit and recommendations to improve product development process to improve development ‘stage gating’ evaluation and communications between departments

  • Option for workshop with team to outline product profiles & nutritional identity for overall brand

Product and pipeline review:

  • Audit of each commercialized product and the product pipeline and recommendations

  • Evaluation includes: ingredients, benefits, USPs, audience+product fit, and brand values alignment

Price: Starting at $6000

Get started today by setting up a free 30 minute consultation so we can tailor our services to your business needs

Need assistance with Product Development?

TasteFluent Consulting can assist your brand with everything from Nutritional Analysis, Commercialization, and Operations