Natural Products Expo West 2024: Favorite Products from the Show!

It's hard to describe how magical the Natural Products Expo is to someone who has never been. As a product developer, nutritionist, and die-hard snacker - it's like my Graceland. As usual there were a ton of new and growing trends to check out - mushroom and egg everything, hydration products galore, and milk alternatives continue to grow.

But rather than talk about the trends - there will be plenty of articles recapping those - I want to talk about some products I thought were most unique, innovative, or were simply most enjoyable.


What is it?

Craft Cocktail Tea Bags - brewed in cold water or in liquor

Why is it cool?

Anything is pretty cool when it's the first of something - I also love that this is more sustainable that buying a plastic bottle of mixer at the store or having to buy multiple mixers to make up a single drink type. This caters to both the alcohol drinkers or those who want an alternative.

This definitely makes offering craft cocktails in your home more approachable. As a former craft cocktail bartender, it's a commitment to build those fancy drinks at home. Better yet, how nice to have a mixer option you could pack in a suitcase or purse and use when you travel.

I am excited to see how this brand grows!

Check them out:

Nirvana Super Water

What is it? 

HMB-infused Water

Why is it cool?

First you have to know why HMB is such a great supplement. Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) is made in the body when it breaks down the amino acid leucine and plays an important role in building muscle and preventing muscle loss as we age. HMB has now been researched for years and supplementation has been found to increase muscle mass and strength, reduces muscle damage and soreness, decreases recovery time after exercise, improves mobility and stability, and supports better protein synthesis. 

There are other HMB supplements on the market, but adding this ingredient to water that simply tastes like high quality water? It is a great delivery system - hydrate while also supporting your muscle health. Hydration is important for everyone and so is muscle maintenance when you are working out or simply trying to age gracefully.

It will take some consumer education to get more people interested in HMB but with the vast clinical data supporting its benefits, the right marketing could really make this product a success.

Check them out:

Fody “Sensitive” Products

What is it? 

Line of low FODMAP products for those with sensitive tummies

Why is it cool?

As someone with IBS, I want to be able to have salsa, pasta sauces and other foods that can upset my stomach without the backlash later. Let’s be honest, those of us with sensitive tummies sometimes just deal with the consequences of having some of our favorite foods. 

While we can identify which foods are low FODMAP and could make our own sauces and dips, it can be a lot of time and effort. Offer convenience to solve a problem that is very inconvenient is a great match up. While their offerings are slightly more premium than their ‘less sensitive’ competitors, I will pay more to enjoy my meals fully and go about my day without worry.

I hope their new product development leads them to create products that can be used at breakfast - a meal that dictates how much of the day is going to go.

That said, whatever they decide to launch next, i’m glad they are catering to us more sensitive folks.

Check them out:


What is it?

A carbonated, powdered drink mix to hydrate, energize, or address common health concerns.

Why is it cool?

Bobelo is very focused on their sustainability, as their product would have been typically offered in a can or bottle. This sustainable choice has by virtue offered customers a more convenient product - which I think is the bigger appeal as a consumer. In the day and age of the Stanley cup or Hydroflask, being able to have my bubbly beverage fix on the go is a big win. 

But this isn’t even the most innovative part of Bobelo. You would think this product would be similar to an alka seltzer, but it's really more like drinking a soda. Which is pretty unique since the product comes in powder form. Like many people today, I am totally obsessed with sparkling waters so I love this option for its convenience and additional health benefits.

They have options to support immunity, sleep, energy, and stress - so it's much more than just a soda or sparkling water alternative. 

Check them out: https:


What is it?

Alcohol-free champagne

Why is it cool?

I have tried many non-alcoholic beverage that are trying to emulate alcoholic beverages. They are rarely close to tasting like the ‘real thing.’ Behold TÖST - an alcohol-free champagne that ACTUALLY tastes like champagne but maybe even a little better?

The mouthfeel of the beverage was well matched to real champagne - a “better bubble experience” you could say. It not like drinking sparklinging apple cider or another bubbly drink which doesn’t really match the same experience. This may seem minute of a point but fans of champagne definitely get it.

Not only are they addressing your FOMO when you can’t partake in alcoholic options, but they are also offering this with your health in mind. With high quality, natural ingredients and only 40-45 calories per serving - it's a better option than a sugary soda or juice.

I hope they develop an alternative to my go-to adult beverage - red wine, but for now I am more than happy to toast with their champagne alternative.

Check them out:

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Product Autopsy: Kudos Bars (1986 - 2017)